Once you reach where you want to get in life it’s important to help others. There is something empowering about giving to others. What are you passionate about? Who can you help?
What can you offer the world? Everyone has something they are passionate about that they could help with. Because I have been through abuse this is the reason I love to help women and children who have been abused. I feel so blessed with the life I have today and nothing feels better to me than when I know that because of my story I can make a difference to others or because someone heard my story they leave an abusive relationship.
This has happened many times over the years so instead of me dwelling on the past I am grateful my past can help someone else. Can you see how thinking this way can change how your past can affect the way you think in a positive way. I have a good friend Peter Burns who was once homeless and he does such amazing work now helping others who have been where he was. He is doing so well and making such an impact on others.
If everyone just did a little the world would be a better place. Whether it’s your time, recourses or money you can help. Last week I had a huge family BBQ and we had so much food left over that I wanted to see if I can help the people on the Streets and Peter told me where to take it and I went there with a family member who was visiting and she felt so good helping that she now wants to do much more. There are many ways to help others