I started setting goals when I was in the refuge I remember this very clearly and i had so many goals I had small goals and I had huge goals. I made massive lists of all the things I wanted to do and the life I wanted for my children. They started off as basics as having a car, a place to live, to the career I wanted and then to fun goals of things I wanted to do when I was a carefree and before I ended up in an abusive relationship goals like singing, getting back into modelling, acting, buying a house and travelling.
I didn’t reach these goals over night and there was counselling and I had support to reach my goals. One by one I started reaching my goals and what happens when you reach a goal you then have belief you can achieve things you want to in life. Start off with smaller achievable goals and then make them a little bigger each time.
I then got into self development and reading positive books going to motivational seminars and as I had reached my goals I just kept making my goals bigger and bigger as I had such belief in myself that i can reach them. Belief in yourself is a huge key to success you have to have believe you can reach the goal if you have a goal but you have doubts that you won’t reach the goal you won’t reach the goal. There is a saying I heard years ago if you doubt you will go without.
I never forgot that saying/ The most important part of goal setting is you have to write your goals down only 3% of people write their goals down, only 3% of the population is wealthy, is this a coincidence?